The Midwest Mentality is something you hear about around the country. Good, salt-of-the-earth people who are incredibly friendly and equally hard-working. Some might say they’re also known for celebrating a little too hard, but that’s okay with us. In fact, we whole-heartedly embrace all of it. So much so that we’re wrapping it up and bringing it to EOS Conference 2021 in Houston. Yes, even the cocktails!
Speaking of cocktails! Did you come here to get the secret code?
If so, it’s “Say Yes to EOS” – Remember that, write it down, create a digital reminder, get a tattoo – whatever you have to do so you can get in on the free drinks.
Virtually neighbors, Titus Talent Strategies and Rocket Clicks, two Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based companies are headed to Houston and bringing a bit of the Midwest with them. With back-to-back conference sessions and “next door” booths it only made sense to pair up and give you a taste (literally) of what the Midwest and EOS experience is.
Presentation Information
Join Titus on Wednesday, April 28th from 3:00pm to 4:45pm CDT for “Manage 4 Performance: Right People, Right Seats…Now What?” with Jonathan Reynolds.
Then, walk on over to the happiest hour that’s one part fun, one part information, a little muddled interaction, stirred for perfection and finished with a cherry on top as Rocket Clicks shares “What Your Digital Marketing Agency Doesn’t Want You to Know” with Kyle Mealy and Tyler Dolph from 5:00pm to 6:45pm CDT.
What makes us different?
One thing that becomes abundantly clear as you interact with these two companies and listen to their sessions, proximity and timing isn’t all that Titus Talent and Rocket Clicks share. Both companies were trucking along in their fields and realized they didn’t like where their industries were headed. It was time to disrupt the system, let go of “industry secrets” and partner with their clients.
Titus Talent Strategies isn’t a traditional talent agency. Jonathan Reynolds, CEO and Visionary at Titus Talent explains, they flipped the industry upside down with their competitive pricing structure and one year guarantee. “Being a performance-driven company, we know that it’s not about day-1 of someone’s employment, but about day 365.” With ‘Right Person, Right Seat’ in mind, the Titus team works with companies to customize talent solutions to support their organizations’ people objectives.
Rocket Clicks also stepped away from the tradition agency mold years ago. Kyle Mealy, Partner Relationship Manager at Rocket Clicks describes the traditional approach as a leap of faith for the clients, but that’s not a fair ask. Instead of that model, Rocket Clicks begins with honesty, transparency and a teamwork mentality. Their results prove that when there’s alignment, then there is growth.
Both companies know that partnering with outside companies on a regular basis is not just possible, but when all parties involved run on EOS®, it’s a fast and smooth transition. Speaking the same language, having the same accountability and process, takes all confusion and uncertainty out of the mix. It puts everyone on the same side of the table and facilitates a creative merge that can blossom.
Additional Conference Information
To get the most out of this approach, we highly recommend attending these sessions and finding ways your company can take the partnership approach to the next level.
Wednesday, April 28
Manage 4 Performance: Right People, Right Seats…Now What? with Jonathan Reynolds, Pre-Conference Session 2 (3:00 – 4:45 CDT
What Your Digital Marketing Agency Doesn’t Want You to Know with Kyle Mealy and Tyler Dolph, Pre-Conference Session 3 (5:00 – 6:45 CDT) *(OPEN BAR! If you remember your secret phrase, then you can get a special cocktail while everyone else has to make do with beer and wine.)
Thursday April 29
Vision Meets Traction: 21 Digital Strategies for Your Business in 2021 with Tyler Dolph and Nicole Mennicke, Breakout Session 1 (9:30am – 10:30am CDT)
Nice Teeth, Let’s Get Married: Why Gut-Feel Hiring is a Bad Idea with Jonathan Reynolds with Jonathan Reynolds, Breakout Session 3 (2:30 – 3:30 CDT)
In between, be sure to stop at both booths for some fun swag, interesting conversations, and to learn how EOS and client partnerships are the key to business success!