Like Buttons Come To Facebook, Mobile Couponing & More

Online Video Ads Are More Effective Than Regular TV Ads

Research has found that ads on full-episode online TV show have a 65% general recall rate compared to TV ads which have a 46% recall rate.  More specifically, online TV ads have significantly higher levels of message recall, 39% compared to 21%, brand recall, 50% compared to 28%, and likeability, 26% compared to 14% than TV ads.

People are also more accepting of additional ads (up to 75% more advertising per hour) when watching TV online. One reason for this is that online TV ads are more engaging and viewers are more attentive to the program they’re watching.  It has been brought to our attention that existing TV ads have the highest viewer ratings of all online TV ads.

What’s new to LIKE On Facebook

Facebook has drastically changed the way that users interact with organizations and groups.  Facebook has added a “Like” button to group and company pages making it easy for people with profile pages to connect to their favorite companies and share their thoughts.  There have been some privacy controls built into this, but by and large, users will have to be aware that Facebook Pages that are connected to their profiles are public and their names will show up on the group or companies page.

Mobile Rising With Couponing

One of the most noticeable uses of mobile marketing is for couponing. Being able to provide a coupon at the literal point of purchase has implications for sales that could be significant. MediaPost reports on a study done by Borrell Associates that shows some projections that they believe indicate such a rapid growth that it makes a “hockey stick” growth pattern look like the new flat. There are many reasons for this type of anticipated growth with the biggest being that the “install” base of mobile phones is already significant (80%) and the rise of smartphone usage (now at 31% of mobile phone users) doesn’t appear to be fading either. With customers already having the delivery vehicle for these offers, many just need to get used to the idea that their phone, especially their smart phone, is now a mobile Sunday paper coupon section.

Retailers Using Technology To Fight Back

With the advancement of technology these days’ shoppers are able to grab their cell phones and check competitors’ prices without ever leaving their current location. This has been great for consumers but hasn’t favored retail stores until now.

A start-up called Shopkick Inc. has joined with Best Buy Co. and Macy’s Inc. to launch an app for iPhones and Android handsets that will sense when shoppers are in or near stores and offer rewards targeted to potential buyers.  Shopkick utilizes the phone’s location-sensing abilities to offer production information, coupons or other marketing offers when consumers are in the suitable position to buy.

If you’re interested in learning more about what Rocket Clicks can do for your pay-per-click advertisingsearch engine optimizationwebsite design and development, or law firm marketing, please check out our PPC services and SEO services or schedule a quick audit today


Marketing Vox – Online Video Ads Are More Effective Than Regular TV Ads
The Facebook Blog – Connect to Everything You Care About
MediaPost – Mobile Marketing Emerges With Couponing
WSJ – Retailers Reach Out On Cellphones