Industry Update for August 3, 2018

This Week’s Industry News

Compiled by the Rocket Clicks Team

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New Event Structured Data Features

Google is bringing personalization to local event recommendations. When you search for “events near me” you’ll get a list of events from a variety of sites and key information like time, location and tickets. The new features include a “For You” tab and lists the most popular events in your area with the ability to share and save them. When creating event schema, you can choose specific categories like: BusinessEvent, SaleEvent, DanceEvent and include information about the tickets and pricing. Source: Street Fight Magazine

New Bid Strategies in Bing Ads

Bid strategies for Maximize Conversions and Target CPA are now available in Bing Ads for users in most countries. To be eligible for either bidding strategy, a campaign needs at least 15 conversions over the past 30 days. Because of this both strategies also require Universal Event Tracking to be implemented on your website. Similar to Google, Bing will use different signals to inform their bidding strategies like browsing activity, search queries, and ad copy. Source: Search Engine Land

Google Posts Insights Added

Google announced it is launching more reporting and analysis for Google Posts. Post Insights shows you how well your posts are performing within Google including views and clicks on those posts. This report will show data for an individual post, which isn’t new, but also on all posts from last week and all posts from last month. The summary shows the percentage change using a rolling period so you can compare your posts from the weeks before. Source: Search Engine Land

Facebook Changes Video Ad Metric Measurement

Facebook has recently made updates to the way they measure video ad metrics to bring them more in line with how people watch and interact with videos. Facebook is evolving to focus more on “consumption”, which is defined as the number of unrepeated seconds people watch, rather than duration. 3-Second video views and 10-second video views will now only count unrepeated seconds, meaning they won’t count the seconds of the video view where a user skipped back and replayed parts of the video. A new “Video Plays” metric is also being introduced to track how many times the video was seen in motion on someone’s screen. Source: Search Engine Journal


JavaScript and SEO

If your JavaScript files or some unnecessary resources clog up your page load speed, you probably have render-blocking JavaScript. Check Page Speed Insights and analyze the results. To resolve you can add JavaScript in the HTML or reduce JavaScript elements within the HTML document. If some scripts reference files, they can only be used after the referenced filed are located. Make sure Google is able to index your content and find your JavaScript in your robots.txt. You can use fetch and render to see how Google is viewing your pages. Source: Search Engine Journal

Building Good Lookalike Audiences in Facebook

PPC Hero Chad Powell covers his top tips to building a strong lookalike audience within Facebook Ads. Powell’s first tip is to build your lookalike audience based on your most down funnel activity. Obviously, if your goal is to get users to make a purchase, you want to base your lookalike audience on site converters. The author also recommends staying within a 1-2% lookalike for the best results. Again, if you’re trying to be conversion-specific, keeping a low percent range will create a lookalike that is most likely to resemble the original audience source. His final tip is to very rarely use filters at the ad set level. He believes that, by adding filters, you may unnecessarily be hurting performance through more restricting targeting. The only occasion where this is warranted is if you are restricting to a geotarget that is most important. Source: Chad Powell, PPC Hero