November Recap: Top Digital Marketing News

November Recap: Top Digital Marketing News

Google Releases Smart Bidding Simulator

In mid-November, Google launched smart bidding simulators, which are tools to assist in smart bidding education. These simulators show fluctuations that occur and can help you understand how strategies like Target CPA, Target ROAS, and budget change can have an effect on your results (example below). While using these simulators you will also be able to see how seasonality numbers may affect your results.

Screenshot of Google Smart Bidding Simulator

While this simulator shows you what could happen, be skeptical of the results. Google’s forecast for its own numbers tends to run higher on the conversion side. However, if you can approach it with that lens it will be beneficial data to help influence your decision for the future.

Summary of November Bing Updates

Hybrid Campaigns

Bing released a beta version for hybrid campaigns after Google’s earlier recommendation. This update allows you to house standard ad groups and DSAs in the same campaign. This allows users to leverage the advantages of each campaign type while simplifying management and reporting. Hybrid campaigns are a great way to blend your campaign strategy in a simplified way. While we have not seen definitive data yet, we recommend testing this in your campaigns.

Upgraded Keyword Planner

Microsoft Ads has had a barebones keyword planner in the past, but they ramped it up quite a bit after a recent update. In November, Bing added a landing page filter. The keyword planner will generate new keywords based on the text from any landing page you add. Below is the layout of the new and improved page. This page has a wide variety to select from on the left hand side. It may be helpful to test out the new keyword planner by scanning specific landing pages to help fill coverage holes or to find new words worth testing!

Screenshot of Keyword Planner

WordPress 5.6 May Break Sites in December 2020

WordPress 5.5 rolled out back in August, it resulted in millions of broken WordPress websites. It was the first step in a three-phase modernization of the use of jQuery. In order to make WordPress sites safer for users, WordPress is making everyone gradually update to the newest and safest version of jQuery.

Now, when version WorPress 5.6 rolls out, it will likely result in broken websites yet again. WordPress 5.6 will continue the modernizing of jQuery by updating the jQuery Migrate library to the most recent version, 3.3.1. This will render the “Enable jQuery Migrate Helper” plugin useless for many users.

Many plugin and theme developers fixed the problem on their end by updating their software to the latest version of jQuery. The temporary fix WordPress released called “Enable jQuery Migrate Helper” will not longer be useful with the new update.

jQuery scripts are responsible for a lot of vital functions within a website, from interactive elements and animation to more complicated things like creating themes and plugins. WordPress 5.5 got rid of code that made it compatible with plugins and themes that were using older jQuery.

How will WordPress 5.6 affect your website?

If you see error messages when you’re logged into your admin panel, you might have some problems when 5.6 arrives.

If the Enable jQuery Migrate Helper isn’t showing errors, your themes and plugins have updated their jQuery libraries and the site should function as expected.

Hijacked Google My Business listings appear to be a growing problem

Recently, there has been a growing number of Google My Business (GMB) listings getting hijacked. GMB listings are being taken with relative ease by simply using the “claim this business” link in the local Knowledge Panel/Profile. Scammers claim the business and then an email request for control of the listing is sent to the legitimate owner of the profile.

Unfortunately, people are granting access and transferring ownership of their own listings by responding to these emails.

Another tactic hijackers are using is through the merger of listings that Google identifies as duplicates. Listings can be flagged by Google or by a third party as a duplicate account. Google will then merge the information from the listings (including images, store hours, etc.) into one.

Google offers support in this situation but it’s not always immediately helpful.

The implications of a hijacked profile are obvious and can be more severe for a small business. Local businesses get their income as a result of web traffic. Bad reviews and rankings can make or break a business.

To avoid the headache of a hijacked GMB listing, be careful how you respond to requests for access. If you are in a situation where Google merges your listing, you may be able to get your problems solved with the support staff.


Every week, the digital marketing analysts at Rocket Clicks round up the most interesting, exhilarating and dare we say controversial news to share with the team. We’ve collected the most notable digital marketing news stories from the month of November to share with you here! Contributors to this post include PPC Analyst Pete Von Rueden and SEO Analyst Antonio Ninham.