AdWords Broad Match Modifier, Stickybits’ Gift Personalization & More

AdWords Broad Match Modifier

Looking for an in control large reach keyword machine?  Broad Match Modifier is up and helping in the UK and Canada.  The Broad Match Modifier allows you create keywords that have better reach than phrase match and greater control than broad match.  Broad Match Modifier is said to work best if your account uses mainly exact and phrase match keywords.

How does it work?  To apply the modifier, put a plus symbol (+) in front of one or more words in a broad match keyword.  Each word followed by a + has to appear in your customer’s search exactly or as a close alternative.  Close alternatives can include misspellings, singular or plural forms, abbreviation and acronyms, and stemming (“lights” and “lighting”).  Synonyms (“speedy” and “rapid”) and relates searches (“soda” and “Pepsi”) are not included!

Here’s a graph illustrating the relative reach of different keyword match type strategies.


Are your prized possessions not saying enough about you?  Do you want more bang for your buck?  Well with the new company Stickybits, that’s exactly what you’ll get.  Stickybits allows you add photos, music, a special greeting, and even video to any bar coded products.  This new application allows smart phone users to add personality to their goods.

This application, which is accessible through iPhones and Android, allows users to scan a bar code onto their camera phone and then see if someone has uploaded information to the same bar code.  The main attraction co-founders Billy Chasen and Seth Goldstein are trying to focus on are getting the people’s attention with this new device.  They have sent out thousands of free bar-code stickers to get their name out there and hope people use these to do a variety of personalized messages.

One question that came across all of RocketClicks members mind is who will be the first to buy this company? Will it be Google, Apple, or MSN?

iTunes In The Cloud

Rumor on the street is that Apple plans on revealing a music service at the Worldwide Developers Conference in June.  Apple’s closure of Lala is scheduled for May 31, only 6 months after acquiring the streaming music service and just one week before the WWDC event… coincidence?  We think not!

If Apple were to produce a cloud-based iTunes, they’d have the ability to make perfectly happy users of their current iPods convert to the wireless-capable iPhone devices which would allow the users to sync with the cloud tomorrow, all while Apple rakes in the profits and takes over the mobile market shares.

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Google AdWords Blog New Keyword Targeting Feature
WSJ – App Watch: A Social Network for Inanimate Objects
Wired – Apple Rumor Watch: Infinity Cloud Based iTunes on June 7