Rocket Clicks’ Google Analytics Classroom: Conversion Rate by Day and Hour

By default, every standard Pay Per Click account is automatically set up to run it’s ads 24/7, with the standard bids you place on each keyword or ad group. With that being said, do you ever wonder if you are maximizing your bids to receive the biggest bang for your buck?  The following Analytics report will show you how you could be increasing your profits by bid scheduling your ads.

Segmenting Conversion Rate by Day of Week

The Google Analytics graph below shows you what times in the day your website has the highest conversion rate.  By analyzing this type of data, you can raise your bids at the higher converting times to increase your ad position and therefore generate more clicks on your ads.

This type of data is useful to look at over a longer time period to see if there is any reoccuring trends such as Mondays and Tuesdays are the best converting days.  By knowing this, you could raise bids on these two days and maybe lower bids on the lowest converting day.  To get a more advanced look at conversion rates, I would recommend analyzing the Conversion Rates by Hour.

Figure 1. Conversion Rate by Day of Week

Segmenting Conversion Rate by Hour

The graph below shows the Conversion Rate By Hour.  There are two time periods that stick out as having high conversion rates:  Between 10am to 1pm and from 10pm to Midnight.  With a conversion rate near 1% during these periods, you could raise bids on your keywords to generate more clicks by having a higher ad position.  Another take away would be to drop bids when conversion rates are low such as between 1am and 8am.

Figure 2. Conversion Rate by Hour

Big Action Take Away

By historically knowing what days and times your website converts, you can  make more wise decisions on how to use your marketing budget to generate more sales during peak times.  Setting up bid scheduling is easy to learn how to implement and has an immediate effect on your bottom line.

How Do I Get This Report?

  1. Once logged into the Google Analytics account, clicks on the Ecommerce tab on the left.
  2. From the Ecommerce menu, click the Conversion Rate link.
  3. Now you are looking at Conversion Rate by Date ( Figure 1 ) that is shown above.
  4. To view the Conversion Rate by Hour ( Figure 2 ), click the “Graph by : Hour” button (Pictured Below) located at the top right of the page below the date range.

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