Nuggets From Our Weekly Internet Marketing “Industry Update” – Week 35

Nuggets From Our Weekly Internet Marketing “Industry Update” – Week 35

This week while Paid Search Manager Jered Klima was in California for training. Nicole Nerad led the weekly “industry update” Jered normally leads for Rocket Clicks staff.  Here are some highlights.

Using the Google Wonder Wheel for SEO Content Buildout

Using Google’s Wonder Wheel tool to build out Content Network campaigns in AdWords is now well known, and Google has popularized it with a webinar they refer to as “Cast a Wide Net”.  However, the understanding of the inter-relation of search terms the tool reveals may have relevance for SEO as well.

Internet Business Coach Terry Dean discussed a way of using the Google Wonder Wheel to come up with new blogging and other content related ideas.  By searching your main topic or bullseye keyword phrase in the Wonder Wheel, you get a related bucket of keywords.  If one of those keywords looks pertinent, you can click on it and get yet another bucket of keywords.  You can then decide if results that known Google searchers associate with the keyword are also useful items to write about in your blog, forum, etc.  You can also search recent videos, forums, and reviews to see what is being said recently about the chosen keywords.

How Would You Make Facebook Profitable?

Well, 711 female internet users in the US and Canada involved in a study offered some insights regarding  business models would be supported or resisted. While the study’s results mainly focused on what respondents would give up to keep social networking in their lives, as to fees to support social networks:

  • 92% would be comfortable with ad-supported model
  • Just 28% are okay with subscription based model
  • Only 22% would approve of their data being sold

Not many users seem to mind ads, but once private data becomes a commodity that’s sold most users mind.

Twitter Demographics May Surprise You

Originally associated with young adults, Twitter’s real proponents may surprise you.  Who’s driving the popularity of Twitter? According to a New York Times article, not teens.

The 35-54 age demographic grew 60% over the last year. In general those age 35-54 are the joiners” and “creators” in this social network, while a surprising number of users  55+ are present as spectators.

Usually college students and teenagers are the early adopters, but Twitter defies that traditional model.  Why? Teens site privacy concerns.

Location-Aware Tweeting

Speaking of privacy concerns, Twitter is adding he capability to add longitude and latitude date to tweets. Targeting users by location would have many event-related applications, and may be a boon for advertisers, but would certainly raise some privacy questions. When this “location-aware” functionality arrives, it will be turned off by default.

Yahoo Search To Get a Facelift, Despite Pending Bing Deal

This week Yahoo demoed updates to the look and feel of its search platform, even though Bing will power the heart of Yahoo search once their ad-sharing partnership with Microsoft takes effect.  The user’s search experience will have a different look and feel, and be a different experience from Bing’s, even though the core technology will end up being the same.

By Jessica Manganello

Paid Search Staff
