Our Favorite SEO and PPC Podcasts

Rocket Clicks’ Favorite SEO and PPC Podcasts

There are plenty of ways to keep up with SEO and PPC news. Popular blogs like Search Engine Journal or Search Engine Watch keep us up-to-date with all the latest news while the Moz community is ripe with analytical discussion about best practices and interesting industry trends.

There’s no shortage of information for those looking for it, but there might be another issue: time. Busy lives often lend little time for reading, so tomorrow on your drive to work, have a listen to a search engine optimization or pay per click podcast.

SEO/PPC professionals have stepped in to give their peers an opportunity to further their knowledge of those topics while they drive to work, exercise, or whenever they decide to listen. We’ve created a list of some of our favorite search marketing podcasts below to help you stay up-to-date with the industry even if you don’t have time for reading.


SEO 101

Hosted by John Carcutt and Ross Dunn, the SEO 101 podcast “is Search Engine Optimization from the very beginning.” The show blends news and analysis while trying to remain as inclusive as possible, making it perfectly accessible for newer SEOs and industry veterans alike. Carcutt and Dunn combined their decades of experience for a lighthearted, but informative dialogue on a (mostly) weekly basis.

You can tune in for their live recording every Wednesday at 1 p.m. CST or check out their podcast archives on SEO 101’s WebmasterRadio.FM page. Each episode generally runs about 40 minutes.


Edge of the Web Radio

The Edge of Web Radio is a weekly podcast hosted by Site Strategics’s Erin Sparks and Tom Brodbeck, as well as Marketing Tech Blog’s Douglas Karr. In addition to covering SEO, the show also touches on other aspects of digital marketing, such as social media and lead generation.

With one of the highest production values of any SEO podcast, the Edge of Web Radio podcast provides an enjoyable 45-minute conversation about search marketing news and analysis once a week. The show itself can be a bit sales heavy (as it’s partly a marketing tool for Site Strategics), but its actual content is informative and entertaining.
The Edge of Web Radio airs weekly with podcasts available on the show’s website at 3 p.m. CST every Saturday.

Internet Marketing Podcast

One of the best ways to learn more about search marketing is by listening to professionals who are actively practicing skills relevant to the field. This is what makes SiteVisibility’s Internet Marketing Podcast one of our favorites.

Roughly once a week, Andy White interviews someone about a subject they have experience in, with topics ranging long-tail keywords to producing professional-quality videos. Whatever the topic, you’ll discover ways to integrate this podcast’s ideas into your workflow.

Check out the show’s archives for a collection of past episodes.

PPC Rockstars

David Szetela brings decades of marketing experience to a weekly podcast dedicated specifically to paid search with his weekly PPC Rockstars podcast.

Typically, each show features Szetela having a conversation with a PPC analyst about recent news or noteworthy topics. Along the way, you’ll get advice and anecdotes to help you better optimize your campaigns and refine best practices, but you’ll also get some humor to keep the podcast entertaining. Who doesn’t love a good PPC joke?

You can listen to every episode of PPC Rockstars on the show’s WebmasterRadio.FM page. If you’d prefer to listen live, the show airs Thursdays at noon CST.

SEM Synergy

For in-depth analysis of the search marketing world, it’s hard to go wrong with SEM Synergy. Hosted by Bruce Clay, the weekly show often features guest hosts with experience in the industry who talk about trends that interest them.

Clay and guests spend the majority of each podcast discussing what search engine marketing news might indicate for the future or how it will alter the way we look at search.
SEM Synergy airs live on WebmasterRadio.FM Wednesdays at 5 p.m. CST, but you can find podcast archives on the show’s page.

Hopefully, you’ll be entertained and gain SEO and PPC insights after checking out our list of podcasts. If you know of any other podcasts we should check out, please leave them in the comments. We can’t wait to have a listen.