PPC Ian Interviews Tyler Dolph

PPC Ian Interviews Tyler Dolph

tyler-dolph-rocket-clicks-300x273Silicon Valley marketing executive Ian Lopuch not only helps companies with digital marketing strategies and coaching, he also runs a successful and informative blog called PPC Ian. Recently, he sat down with our president Tyler Dolph to talk about what we do at Rocket Clicks and why we’re so interested in helping companies get found in today’s competitive marketplace.

Here’s a peek into the conversation:

Ian: Where do you see digital marketing going in the next few years. With things always evolving, where should digital marketing professionals be most focused?

Tyler: That is a great question, Ian. I believe that what stood true in the “Mad Men” days of marketing still holds its weight today. Content is King. Whether it’s a blog post, paid search ad, or custom landing page. The written (typed) word is still vitally important. It tells potential customers & Search Engines, not only what you do, but why it should matter.

Check out the full interview here.