Why Doesn’t This Work? A Technical Nightmare!

In a gamble of epic proportions you’ve decided you’re going to start a new business, and that business is refurbishing and selling the late ‘90s phenomenon known as the Furby. These gibberish speaking guinea pig-owl hybrid toys have largely been forgotten for the better part of twenty years – twenty years too long for you. There are thousands of these toys in circulation, but many are broken and in need of some TLC. After finding the motherlode of a Furby graveyard you went to town cleaning and repairing in preparation for unleashing them on an unsuspecting public that will no doubt be eager to hop back on the proverbial Furby train. You hired a developer to create a fantastic looking website, you have a stockpile of refurbished toys in their fur-coated plastic glory, and you’re ready to start selling.

But then several months go by and business is nowhere near as successful as you’d expected it would be. You’ve done your research, and it is an undeniable fact that the demand for Furbies is soaring. They’re selling for thousands of dollars on eBay, but you’re beginning to worry that you’ve just invested your life-savings in a lemon of an idea.

Then you receive a message from a friend wondering where he can purchase these Furbies. He’s been patiently waiting, and he tells you that so are legions of others. He has searched online, but wasn’t able to find your website, leading him to the disheartening conclusion that you abandoned the project. How could this have happened, you ask yourself, as you browse the very website your friend couldn’t find? Clearly, the Furby fandom is calling, but they’re left without any answer.

Fortunately, you are not alone. This story has been told far and wide, because what many have come to realize is that sometimes it’s what you don’t see that can hurt you the most.

Websites can be a tricky maze of technical nightmares, and even fantastic-looking ones can have ‘under the hood’ issues that make it difficult for users (and search engines) to find or use them. If your website is going to be successful, you need to figure out what those problems might be.

A technical audit can help provide a clearer picture of the hiccups that are impacting your site’s performance. At Rocket Clicks, we put your website through rigorous tests to check for common and not-so-common issues that may have gone unnoticed during the site’s development or new issues that have occurred since the site’s been live.

Our SEO audits provide an actionable checklist of issues that, once addressed, will put your site in a better position to rank in search, as well as provide a better user experience. Here are just a few issues might be uncovered during a tech audit:

  • Crawlability issues (areas of your site that search engines have trouble finding)
  • Slow page loading speeds, which impacts user engagement and search engine rankings
  • Internal linking and other navigational issues
  • Analytics tracking and other code-related issues
  • Site indexation issues (a.k.a. “Why am I not appearing in Google?”)
  • Content issues, including duplicate and thin content
  • Mobile-friendliness, which is becoming increasingly necessary.

Putting your site through a technical SEO audit won’t guarantee top rankings in search results, but it will help ensure that there’s nothing preventing your website from ranking better. A strong technical foundation will help boost your overall SEO effort by making it easier for users and search engines to use your website, read you content, and, ultimately, fulfill your business goals – which, in this case, means buying Furbies.

Think your website should be performing better than it is? Rocket Clicks has evaluated hundreds of websites for technical issues. We can do the same for your website – just ask us how!