One of the absolute first lessons I learned in internet marketing was if you put something one click away, you lose about 80% of your browsers. Not 20% … 80%, as in “four out of five people”. The second lesson was, people don’t remember, pass along, or promote long URLs. Taken together this means if you’ve got a “money page” and you want people to see and act upon it, it’s well worth the $9.99 a year to buy a domain to promote it. Which is why it drives me crazy when I someone on TV, Radio, or even in a teleseminar trying to get people to remember and type in a URL like “‘”. (Or even worse ““) I think to myself: “You just spent $50,000 on prime media, or went through all the trouble of connecting with a joint venture partner, developing a teleseminar and promoting it, but neglected to spend $9.95 on a ‘word of mouth’ domain, so you’re losing out on at least 500% more visitors to your payoff page.”
Creating Your Own Word-Of-Mouth Domain Is Easier Than You Think
I’ll give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they don’t really know how to create one, but it’s very, very easy. I’ve made a step-by-step set of videos you can watch at the bottom of this post. Having a direct word-of-mouth domain makes it infinitely more possible to use them in word-of-mouth conversations. This is helpful not only for teleseminars, radio, and TV, but also when you’re simply on the phone with a customer or prospect, at a conference, or in a spontaneous publicity opportunity (interviews with reporters, out to dinner, etc.).
The Hidden Benefits Of Having Your Own Word-Of-Mouth Domain
The hidden benefit of word-of-mouth domains is that they make it MUCH more likely you’ll spontaneously insert your key page in YOUR important promotional pieces. Because as crazy as it sounds, 4 out of 5 people will make the decision NOT to use a URL if they have to go look it up and copy/paste it each time. How many emails could you have easily inserted a call to action in if you had a word of mouth domain at the tip of your tongue? Last, word of mouth domains have a certain impact which a plain old long URL does not. They say “this is important enough to build a business, or at least a whole website around”… so CONVERSION tends to be higher off of word-of-mouth domains too!
1 – Sales Pages: At Rocket Clicks, for example, we’ve got two key sales pages which have built our business. Ask yourself, which is easier to remember, promote and repeatedly use? –OR– –OR–
2 – Key Content Pages and Blog Posts: As you develop a more authoritative, larger website, you’ll want to easily send clients to important blog posts, videos, audios, and downloads. For example, we’ve found the following FREE content to be very productive for us, so we’ve developed word of mouth domains for them. We can routinely say to clients and prospects, “Just go watch the free video at _______”: –> –> 3 – Affiliate Domains: If you’ve found an affiliate program you endorse and regularly recommend, it’s MUCH easier to promote with a word of mouth domain, and IMPOSSIBLE to promote when you’re not online otherwise. For example, if I were on the phone with you, are you more likely to visit:×73&xm=7 –OR– 4 – Give to Your Best Affiliates: This works especially well for high ticket service businesses where every referral really counts. For example, we buy word of mouth domains for our best performing super affiliates and educate them about how and when to use them. People at a seminar, or those who consult for clients will NEVER give out a crazy-long affiliate URL, but they WILL give out an easy to remember, benefit rich domain. 5 – For Your Twitter Account: Which address are you more likely to remember and follow ? –OR– Bottom Line Word of mouth domains are definitely something you want to do—if only because the people you meet in person, when you’re AWAY from your computer—are some of the most valuable prospects you’ll ever come in contact with. Plus, you’ll stop having to go look up your cocamaimie long-form links every time you want to insert them somewhere. Watch this 4 minute video now to see how easy it is: By Dr. Glenn Livingston Rocket Clicks CEO
Hi Glenn,
After you buy your word of mouth domain, and go into “domain forwarding” and you forward your domain to your affiliate link – If you’re going to use this for PPC – you must also enable “masking” which basically makes your new domain URL keep displaying even after the domain has already been forwarded to the vendor.
If you only fwd your domain but don’t “mask” it, your ad will get shut down by google because your display and destination URLs don’t match. So you need to mask it also.
Note: the website I listed above is forwarded and masked
I have been telling that to people for years, but I never knew that the ratios are 80% LOSS by not doing it from potential conversions.
Some of the SEO people say that you need to seperate by a dash or underscore, but for Google I have not seen that as a problem, as Google can figure out the keywords from a string like or that are used in the URL and credit the URL relavance for your primary keywords.
I like how you also added a Physcologial emotional word of Muscle that implies Strength and Now to RocketClicks
Right on target as usual!
Thanks Glen
I’ve got to agree that this is one of the most basic mistakes that businesses of all sizes make with their web presence.
One thing you didn’t mention that is really vital and that is that you can point more than one domain name (URL) at a website – you don’t need a new website for every domain you own.
So for example my own website carries my name (because people hear me on my regular BBC radio appearances and Google me)BUT that site has over 20 domain names pointing at different landing pages on the site (in some cases you wouldn’t even know you are on because they are squeeze pagesbut that gives me both more traffic and bettter volumes and hence ranking).
I think the advice you have given here is so fundamental it should appear on every business and webdesign college course going …. but it doesn’t and that gives savvy entrepreneurs a real edge.
Would I use this instead of or in conjunction with services like Name Cheap and Go Daddy?
Where do you do the masking?
In my case, with HostGator I don’t see any kind of mask option for redirecting. Is this something you do via HTACCESS maybe? What’s the format?
Hi Glenn,
could you please comment on Kevin’s remark? I am still at rookie status regarding SEO, but this was what came to my mind immediately – that Google would not want that visitors go to “something else”. But with masking – this sounds as if it was even worse! Is it legit? No problems with Google to expect?
Hi webmaster may I use some of the information from this post (paragraph exerpt) if I provide a trackback to your site? Thanks either way, and hope you have a terrific day! bye for now!
Thank you