Industry Update for September 9, 2015

This Week’s Industry News

Compiled by the Rocket Clicks Team

Top Stories

Google Maps’ “Explore” Function Adds New Features

In an effort to enhance user experience, Google has added new features to the “Explore” function in Google Maps. These new features will enable users to see more in-depth details within the particular category they are in. More specifically, users will now see more photos, details about the restaurant (e.g. is it family-friendly?), and ratings. In select spots, Google may even give a brief blurb about why a particular restaurant may be relevant to the user. Source: Search Engine Land

New Mobile Browser Launched by AdBlock

Recently, AdBlock Plus has launched their own browser to go along with the impending release if iOS9, which also has new ad blocking capabilities. The new browser, if downloaded, allows users to “block annoying ads right out of the box.” It’s currently unclear if the new browser will have an ad blocking whitelist similar to desktop browser add-ons.  Depending on how many people decide to adopt this new browser, it may have an impact on advertisers aiming for mobile users. Source: The SEM Post

Some Speculating a Change Already in Google’s Rollout of Panda 4.2

A little over a month ago, many webmasters began noticing a nice boost to their rankings due to Google’s recent Panda algorithm update. However, a seemingly overnight drop in rankings has led many to believe that Google either significantly changed the way the update was rolling out, or removed it completely. So far, Google has declined to comment on the subject. Source: Search Engine Land

Bing Ads App Released for Android Phones

The Bing Ads app has finally become available for Android users.  With the iOS version being released earlier in the year, many users have been anxiously awaiting the Android version. This version of the app is very similar to the iOS version, allowing users to view multiple accounts as well as budget information. The Android version of Bing Ads can now be downloaded on Google Play. Source: The SEM Post

Google’s Established Database of Health Conditions Gets Huge Update

Last week, Google announced that it will be continuously updating its database of medical condition knowledge panels over the next few weeks. At the end of the update, Google will have doubled the previous size of the database. In addition to this expansion, Google has made it possible for searchers to download a PDF that details each individual medical condition so that it can be printed out and shared easily. Source: The SEM Post

New Ad Extensions in Bing Ads

Soon, Bing Ads will be releasing several new extensions to their current arsenal. These new extensions include app, image, callout, review, and action link extensions, which allow a call-to-action to be highlighted with a different background.  Although they are currently in a testing stage, they will be a helpful addition for optimizing and planning your Bing Ads accounts in the near future. Source: Search Engine Watch

Additional Commentary

4 Ways Negative Yelp Reviews Could Actually Help Your Reputation

In a positive spin on negative PR, Search Engine Journal columnist Jean Dion lists some of the ways businesses can turn bad reviews on Yelp into an advantage. First, Dion asserts that, at the very least, negative reviews on Yelp help confirm that your business does indeed exist. Next, he argues that business owners can use negative reviews to drive their SEO and content marketing. Then, Dion explains that bad ratings can help point out weak spots in the business’s staff. Dion then concludes by saying that quality responses to bad reviews are an exceptional way to demonstrate customer service. Analysis: Jean Dion, Search Engine Journal

The 4 Stages You Go Through When Learning PPC

Amanda West-Bookwalter explains the four different stages of learning PPC. In the beginning, there’s the learning phase where you’ll ask thousands of questions and spend a large amount of time studying. Then, once you’ve got the knowledge, you’ll be supporting on accounts and doing projects. Next, basic PPC tasks will seem simplistic and you’ll be craving bigger projects and clients. Finally, you’re a PPC grown-up and you’ll be focusing on improving your advanced skills, where collaboration with others is key. Analysis: Amanda West-Bookwalter, PPC Hero