Industry Update for August 2, 2019

This Week’s Industry News

Compiled by the Rocket Clicks Team

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Google Keyword Planner Update Shows List of the Most Relevant Keywords

Google has updated its Keyword Planner tool to show relevant keyword suggestions based on the seed keyword, in addition to website filtering and brand exclusions. 

The update now chooses keywords based on the main keyword searched. For example: if you provide the word “boots” it will recommend other high ranking keyword ideas such as “women’s boots,” “work boots,” etc. You can also search by adding your own recommended words. 

Website filtering allows owners to filter keyword ideas to only show keywords most closely related to your business (based on your website). Brand exclusions exclude keyword ideas that include brand terms, making it easier for users to filter down what they’re looking for.

These updates are going to make keyword research more efficient by having more options all in one place. Updates are being made in English first, followed by other languages being released later this year. 

Source: Search Engine Journal

New Updates to Google Ads Editor

Version 1.1 of Google Ads Editor has been released and it comes with four new features.

  1. Image Picker – the image picker allows users to browse and select from previously used images as well as images on their desktop. 
  2. Dark Mode – navigate between dark and light mode with a click of a button. There is a sun or moon icon in the bottom right-hand corner, depending on which mode the user is currently in. Click to switch between the two.
  3. IP Exclusions – keep IP exclusions consistent with the new ability to add and update within the platform.
  4. Account Manager – Checkboxes in the account manager allow users to select and open multiple accounts at once.

Update your Google Ads Editor to use these new features right away.

Source: Search Engine Journal

Google to Unify the App and Website Measurements in Analytics 

Google recently announced an update that will make it easier to measure users’ interactions across platforms to streamline the tracking process. Right now, businesses need to use multiple products in order to measure app and website engagement separately:

  • Google Analytics for Firebase
  • Regular Google Analytics

App + Web is a new tracking property that uses a single set of metrics and dimensions for app and web data instead of measuring them in two different places. 

It also utilizes an event-based measurement model that doesn’t require any additional code, allowing a more flexible model for collecting information.

The new property also allows owners to track data without the pre-defined reports by utilizing different analysis techniques, including: 

  • Exploration
  • Funnels
  • Path analysis

The new App + Web property will be released in a beta phase for all analytics accounts in the coming weeks. 

Sources: Search Engine Journal

Changes Coming Soon to Google Keyword Match Types

Your keywords will soon match more search queries than ever before. Over the next few weeks, Google will be rolling out extensions to the Phrase Match and Broad Match Modifier match types. Both keyword types will show for same-meaning close variants like synonyms and paraphrases. Advertisers are expected to see 3-4% more clicks and conversions, 85% coming from synonymous keywords that would not have matched before. 

Google’s example is this: let’s say your landscaping company uses the keywords +lawn +mowing +service. In addition to searches like “services to mow my lawn,” your ads will pop up for similar searches, like “grass cutting and gardening service.” Similarly, your ads for the keyword “lawn mowing service” will now also show for searches such as “grass cutting service near me.” 

An important thing to note is that this change will not impact negative keywords. Negative keywords still will not be triggered by close variants. Google recommends checking search term reports regularly and adding those irrelevant queries to negative keyword lists. 

Sources: Google Ads Blog


Do Local Citations Matter?

Citation listings have been seen in the past as a critical ranking factor for local businesses, but there’s been some debate about how important they are now. A recent article in Search Engine Land compiled a list of feedback from top SEO experts to learn whether citations are still relevant to the success of local businesses.

Among the experts were:

  • Miriam Ellis – local SEO SME for Moz
  • Joy Hawkins – owner of the Local Search Forum and Sterling Sky in Canada
  • Andrew Shotland – CEO and founder of
  • Darren Shaw – founder of Whitespark
  • Mike Blumenthal – founder of GatherUp

The unifying opinion is the fact that local citations no longer directly affect ranking factor. The biggest impact comes from the fact that users seem to trust businesses that are featured on high ranking citations that are relevant to the industry they’re searching for. 

Google also still uses the data from these listings to determine if your site gets quality inbound links. While the citations themselves have no direct ranking factor, they can still help drive traffic based on secondary factors. 

Source: Search Engine Land

4 Strategies for Quality Facebook Leads

Facebook lead ads, when done correctly, usually start off seemingly strong. Lots of leads come in, but are they the right fit? Often times, no. Facebook makes it too easy for just anyone to fill out a form without much thought. The trick to more qualified leads is to make the prospect think a little more before submitting it. Here’s how:

  • Select the “higher intent” form type. After reading the privacy policy, users will have another chance to confirm that they want to share their information. This second check is sure to weed out some unqualified leads. Most people don’t like unnecessarily sharing their personal information. Those who aren’t truly interested in your services are likely to leave the page without hitting submit.
  • Use intro copy. The lead form has a space for an introductory headline and description. Though these are optional, by filling them out, you have an opportunity to address the audience you are looking to attract. When people read your intro, they’ll quickly realize whether or not your services are for them.
  • Customize your questions. Instead of using prefill categories, utilize the custom questions option and enter short-answer and multiple-choice questions. This forces the user to engage. More work means a lesser chance of the wrong person filling out the form.
  • Ask additional questions. Facebook advises against asking too many questions on a form at the risk of losing leads. However, if you’re looking for better leads, asking questions may help. In addition to the required information, add a few questions that will help the user decide if your business is for them.

The more engaged a user must be to fill out your form, the fewer random leads you’ll receive. Another bonus to forcing more engagement? You’ll learn more about the person than a standard prefill form can provide, which will aid in the process of determining which leads are qualified.

Source: Search Engine Journal