Getting to Know SEO Analyst, Nick Schurk

Nick Schurk is simultaneously one of the newest and oldest Rocket Clicks employees. Following his recent return to the office, Nick is ready to take on all the Rocket Clicks Movember challengers for the ultimate Mo Bro title. Other than motivating us to grow our facial hair and raise support for an awesome cause, he’s also pretty good at link building, SEO audits, and content strategy.

How did you get into internet marketing?

I joined the company as a copywriter in 2008, when Bizlab was still called Consult Sales. I am simultaneously the newest Rocket Clicks employee (up until this past Monday) and have the third longest employment record with Rocket Clicks (Behind Jeff Hughes and Nicole Mennicke). After several months working for one of the businesses under Consult Sales’ umbrella, I was asked to join Rocket Clicks as an SEO analyst.

If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?


One song lyric that best describes you is:  ­­

“Roll out and make your mark. Pull on your boots and march.

Then roll on and meet me where you’ll find me doing my own part.

Roll out your dented car. Maybe it won’t roll far.

But if you do everything you can that’s more than a start.” -from Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, Shake The Sheets

The greatest food creation ever invented is: Anyone who gives an answer other than pizza is lying to themselves

Favorite place you have ever visited or would like to visit and why?

Austin, Texas. You know the phrase “Keep Austin Weird”? That city doesn’t have to try to be strange. It’s got an amazing (and weird) style of its own, as well as food, arts & entertainment that rival cities like Seattle or Portland. The one thing that sets it apart from its Pacific Northwest cousins is the amazing weather.

If I weren’t having so much fun at work, I would be at the park with my dog right now.

A fun fact about you or a special talent that not everyone knows you have is?

I DJ at a few places around town. I’m far from an expert, but it’s a surprisingly rewarding creative outlet.

Favorite thing about your job/working at Rocket Clicks?

Two things:

  1. I feel like I am constantly learning and growing as an Internet marketer and a person.
  2. I truly consider everyone I work with to be a friend, and I’m really looking forward to getting to know the team members who joined Rocket Clicks during my hiatus.