JP VanderLinden

Vital Stats

Favorite Non-Work Activity

Building things in my workshop (mostly carpentry), or yardwork

Most Inspiring Person

My friend Miss Patti, who walked a marathon on her 80th birthday

Favorite Blog or Website

Twitter - so much knowledge being shared in real time!

Favorite Thing About Rocket Clicks

The commitment to deliver top-tier work, and willingness to invest to make that happen

Posts by JP

We Quit the Google Partner Program

Posted by JP VanderLinden & filed under Client Education.

They say not to bite the hand that feeds you…but what if that hand also hurts you? Since the late 2010s, we at Rocket Clicks have proudly partnered with the Google Ads Partner Program. The badge has lived on our site, we’ve met with Google teams, and we’ve told clients and prospects alike about our […]

5 Principles for E-Commerce Brands to Crush Q4 with Paid Media

Posted by JP VanderLinden & filed under Client Education.

If you’re an e-commerce business, you already understand the importance of the last annual quarter. As a share of total US retail sales, Q4 has climbed from under 5% in 2010 to nearly 13% in 2021…and it shows no sign of slowing. And your competitors know it, too. So what do you do to win […]