Greg Bernhardt

Vital Stats

Favorite Non-Work Activity

Soccer, Gardening, Travel, Dogs

Most Inspiring Person

Family and friends

Favorite Thing About Milwaukee

Big enough for plenty of options, small enough to keep your sanity

Favorite Blog or Website

Favorite Thing About Rocket Clicks

The culture and everyone I work with. We are all a team, looking after each other, and our clients.

Posts by Greg

An SEO Guide for Automating GTmetrix with Python

Posted by Greg Bernhardt & filed under Client Education.

For many SEOs, GTmetrix is a well known and respected site performance scanner. In this intermediate tutorial, Rocket Clicks will show you how to automate GTmetrix using Python and store the performance data in MySQL. Usually, SEOs access GTmetrix via their web app. Lucky for us, they also offer a REST API. Note: The free […]

An SEO Guide for Automating Screaming Frog with Python

Posted by Greg Bernhardt & filed under Client Education.

Python is all the rage in SEO, and for good reason. Python is a programming language that is accessible enough for those with little programming experience, but powerful enough to extend your SEO efforts with advanced data analysis and tool automation. In this intermediate tutorial, Rocket Clicks will guide you step-by-step in creating the necessary […]