Mobile Optimized Email Remarketing Can Help Your Business
Have you ever noticed the tailings of snow that seems to be constantly tumbling off the side of your shovel? Even though there’s plenty of snow in your shovel, you still miss important bits. Without regard to strategy or style, and equipped with all the right tools, your mostly successful efforts, are almost certainly met with some degree of loss.
If we pretend for a moment that a company’s digital marketing efforts are a lot like shoveling snow, then email remarketing would be a lot like doubling back, and with only a minimal amount of effort, scooping up the now conveniently arranged remainder.
From this view, it appears that any company that has a system in place for capturing a customer’s email address has an opportunity to convert a higher percentage of incoming customers to sales, by overcoming initial objections, remaining top of mind, and potentially arresting migration to other brands or competitors.
Every business, whether big or small, is interested in converting more of their PPC or site traffic to sales because more sales equals more money, but would email remarketing contribute to a significant lift in revenue?
Rocket Click’s sister company, Sterling Commerce Group, ran a few tests on email remarketing, shared the data with us, and we wanted to pass along the results to benefit you.
Using our client’s unique needs, we set out to determine the impact of our email remarketing campaign by taking our eligible “Open Leads” and splitting it into two statistically random segments.
Test Group A: received mobile optimized emails.
Why mobile optimized? Past splits have revealed that optimizing our campaigns for mobile devices, we can expect a 14% lift in sales conversions!
Our second group, Test Group B, received no email marketing. We let our split run for roughly one month.
And the winner is…Email remarketing!
By taking the difference in conversion rates and applying it to the client’s revenue per open lead for quarter 4, we were able to attribute approximately $80,000 in additional revenue to our email re-marketing campaigns.
That was a 38.45% lift on top of our base revenue!
What could that mean for your business? It is likely that lift will vary across industry, but even a portion of that lift could mean in increase in revenue by 20% or 30%. You can stop leaving those little bits of snow behind on the sidewalk.
Do you have a re-marketing plan to accompany your marketing plan? Have you considered one? After running our split test, we see plenty of potential for additional revenue simply by remarketing through email. The real question is why you haven’t tried it yet.