When constructing a PPC campaign, one of the most important pieces is creating ad copy that resonates with your target audience. It can often be overlooked as just a secondary part of planning, but well-written ad copy can make or break the success of a paid advertising campaign.
A great place to start collecting ideas for creating ad copy is getting to know your client, reviewing their website and picking out vital information that should be shared with potential customers.
However, ad copy is not just about your client or what you’re selling – it’s about your audience. They’re the ones who are making the decision to click through to your website and eventually convert.
By creating engaging ad copy, you can better influence your target audience, which will eventually lead to a more successful PPC campaign.
Here are four tips to help you write more effective ad copy:
Use a Thesaurus
Know it. Use it. Love it.
This might come as a shock, but you’re not the first person to use words like innovative or unique – and sometimes buzz words aren’t the best way to motivate buyers.
Use a thesaurus as a way to brainstorm other ways to phrase your ad. If you have a phrase or idea in your head, searching around for different variations can help expand your thought process for creating new ad copy.
Bonus: Research what competitors are using their ad copy and find another, better way to say it.
Invoke Emotions
What do your customers care about when it comes to your market, product or service? Why would or should they care about yours specifically? What value does it give to them for clicking and learning more?
These are questions you should always be asking yourself when writing ad copy.
Providing information to the consumer is important but highlighting any value that the consumer will gain is a better way to get their attention – and their click.
Employ a Specific Call to Action
Trying to fit everything into two short headlines and a description can be difficult when there’s a lot to say, but you should never forget to add a call to action – the more specific, the better.
Using CTAs give the consumer an actionable item to follow after they’ve clicked on your ad and end up on your landing page. Any CTAs you use in your ad copy should always match the messaging on your landing page because it can lead to a higher conversion rate.
Test, Test, Test
Sometimes the best way to find out what ad copy will work best is to just test it.
By testing variations of ad copy against one another, you can determine what the consumer actually prefers, based on CTR, conversions, conversion rate, and more results.
How does your ad copy stack up? Get a free audit form Rocket Clicks to see what we can do to help you improve your PPC campaigns.