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Beginners Guide to NinjaCat Reporting

Ninja Cat is an all-in-one reporting, monitoring, call tracking and data pipeline solution for leading digital marketing agencies and marketing companies.

This beginners guide will take you through the basics of the reporting template, and it will show you how to update scorecard widgets, graphs and charts. These tips are meant to create ease when updating Ninja Cat reporting.

NinjaCat Reporting Basics


Creating Premade and Custom Metrics in a NinjaCat Report:


Creating Filters in NinjaCat

Creating Bar or Line Graphs in NinjaCat

Other NinjaCat tips and tricks

While these are the basics for updating a NinjaCat Report, knowing how you can use them for creating meaningful reports with client-specific KPIs will give you a base for further exploration. This reporting platform allows you to pull from a bevy of data sources and compile the data into easy-to-digest data scorecards and charts, and for that reason alone it’s worth diving into.



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