Rocket Clicks

How to Bulk Update Campaigns in the AdWords Editor

PPCers are always trying to find what best resonates with customers through our paid ads and targeting strategies. The AdWords Editor allows you to speed up the editing process for ads or copy and makes managing accounts more maintainable. If you’re new to Google AdWords, this step-by-step guide on how to copy a campaign and update ads in bulk will give tools you need to make your life easier.

Example: I have a new product line and want to copy and update an existing campaign because it already hosts all the keywords I need to target –  I only need to change the product name:

This will download any changes you have made to account since last using editor

Once the “new” campaign is copied, update the campaign name

Note: you’ll need to do this at the keyword level as well and be sure to double check any keywords that are broad match modifiers. Sometimes the + sign doesn’t get appended if your new keyword is two words versus only one word

However, if your looking to update your ads then we will need to go a few steps deeper

Exporting and Importing Ads

After you’ve created the campaign and updated both ad group and keywords, you are now ready to update the ads with new copy.

If you plan to use this method more make sure to check off the box on the pop up window after you save the file that says “Open File When Export Is Complete” (in the bottom left corner)

Note: if you have any labels make sure to delete before importing


If you see some that were SKIPPED you may need to go back and find where the duplicates are

Hopefully, this step by step guide helps to clarify bulk editing ads while giving you some new skills for AdWords Editor.

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